Making Sure your Financial Systems and Processes Measure up

The Benefits

  • You will know your systems are the best they can be.
  • You will know that robust controls are in place thereby minimising risks to the business.
  • You will know that you have the right people doing the right jobs in the finance team enabling you to sleep easy.


  • You are spending too much time trying to get the right information out of your systems.
  • What you do get is either too late or incomplete or not accurate enough to drive great decision making.
  • You have no confidence that you have a financial control structure which protects you against error or fraud.
  • In short, you are pretty sure your systems are not optimised and they are driving you – rather than the other way round.


  • If any of the following describe your recent feelings about your finance function:
  • You need some financial information which should be produced regularly – and it’s not
  • You ask for some one-off information and it takes a huge amount of staff time to produce
  • Your finance function doesn’t have the capacity to give you the information you need for decision making
  • You haven’t got a manual/bible of financial processes – reviewed in the last year – allocating responsibilities and identifying key risks and controls

The How

  • We review your financial systems and processes
  • We review your internal controls and key risks
  • We oversee drafting of a manual of financial processes which means they are readily replicable and there when you need to cover sickness, holidays, staff leaving etc
  • We review whether your current finance function is able to produce the right information, error free and on a timely basis
  • We draw up a prioritised Action Plan
  • We present this to you and agree appropriate actions and responsibilities

What you get at the end of it

  • Your Tectona FD will present a report benchmarking what is produced monthly, the staff time needed to produce and look at how to reduce errors and minimise the need to call for one-off reports.
  • The report will show a number of options together with specific recommendations and a prioritised Action Plan. You decide which level you want to go for and we can then take away the pain by overseeing the whole process.

What Next?

  • You contact us (phone or send us an email) and we aim to call you back within 48 hours.
  • We will have a no-obligation conversation to understand your needs.
  • If appropriate, we will introduce you to one of the team best suited to help you.