52. 5 Questions You Simply Must Ask When Hiring A CFO

When you are looking to tighten the financial aspects of your business it is always best to look for a quality Chief Financial Officer, or “CFO”. A person in this position must have particular qualities and you should have a certain vibe when you meet them. Otherwise you will find that the working relationship is […]

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51. To Employ or Contract Out?

Recruiting and maintaining staff can be one of the most expensive costs for your business. It isn’t just the wages that you need to consider when hiring staff. Making the wrong hiring decision can be disastrous. Therefore, it is important that you consider the hidden or forgotten costs of employing new staff. It is especially […]

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49. Interest rates will rise but when?

In the summer of 2013, the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, stated that the Monetary Policy Committee would not consider increasing interest rates until unemployment was at 7%.  At the time unemployment was at 7.8% and it was projected to take a couple of years to get down to the 7% target. […]

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48. Watch out for those start-up bear traps

I can safely say that a couple of my clients think I’m a pretty good guy; and for an accountant, that can be a slightly unusual place to be! The reason is embarrassingly simple.  They are both CEOs of young businesses that have been going full steam for a year or so with the business […]

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47. How do you collect cash owed to you?

A sale is not a sale until you have received the cash.  Agreed? “Cash is King”. Not Shakespeare, I grant you, but probably quoted just as often. Profitability is one thing but it is a lack of cash in the bank that is the most common form of business failure – even for some highly […]

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46. How do you value a business?

“If you are thinking of buying or selling a business … here is a combined personal and professional perspective!” So – how do you value a business? Any accountant who has sat professional exams will remember this as a study topic loved by examiners probably due to the rich source of complex calculations on some […]

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45. The qualities of an outstanding FD

“What does an outstanding FD look like and do you need one?” All too often Finance Directors (FD or CFO), particularly in SME businesses, act more like “heavy” bookkeepers or management accountants rather than being a true member of the senior management team providing input to strategy and driving the business plan through in partnership […]

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44. Contract terms – did you read the contract before signing? No, m’lud, they were too long and boring!

What do good contract terms and conditions look like? “And did you read the contract terms before you accepted them?” “No, m’Lud, they looked very long and very boring and life felt too short.” This defence might meet with some sympathy in a dispute over an on-line retail purchase; but in the commercial world, business […]

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