33. The one thing you cannot make more of

A guest blog by David Croydon of Hilltop Consulting. If you run a business (that is to say, a proper business with employees, not the lifestyle business I run), I’ll have a bet with you that virtually every problem or issue you confront comes under one or more of three simple headings: Time; Team; Money. […]

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32. More, more, more – 5 ways to be more productive

The UK is expected to be strongest performing of the largest economies in 2014, with GDP growth expected to exceed its pre-recession peak this summer. This is not the only good news for the UK however as productivity levels, albeit still below their pre-recession levels, are showing significant improvement, rising 0.3% in the final quarter […]

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31. Nothing lasts forever: The need to reinvent your business

According to the International Monetary Fund’s ‘World Economic Outlook’, Britain will be the best performing of the world’s largest economies in 2014. A key contributory factor to Britain’s expected 2.9% GDP growth this year is the strongest rate of growth seen in the manufacturing sector for three years; anticipated at 3.8%. The manufacturing sector in […]

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30. New rules for crowdfunding

With the chancellor’s announcement in the March 2014 budget that loan based crowdfunding investments can be included in ISAs, it’s clear that crowdfunding has well and truly become mainstream. According to a 2013 study commissioned by The World Bank, the scale of the crowdfunding market worldwide is expected to be as high as $96bn; that’s […]

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29. How to achieve more by doing less

A top priority for many high profile technology firms this year is the automation of software development¹ as a way to stay competitive and continue growing. Mike Manos, CTO at First Data Corp. has said that “to drive and scale this business forward, automation at every level is really key”. Automation is not solely confined […]

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28. So, you are thinking of starting a new business!

guest blog by Peter Rogol of Goodman Jones LLP. You have an idea that might work.  The more you think about it, the better it seems.  You’re convinced – people will love  it!  It’ll sell itself, it’s going to break the mould, it’s hotter than hot cakes, you’re more Zuckerberg than Zuckerberg himself. You talk […]

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27. Subscribe to a new way of business thinking

As consumer demands continually evolve, so too does the SME landscape within which these consumers procure goods and services. There has been a noticeable shift in consumer attitude to what is expected from a business; winning the price war alone is no longer enough, so businesses have to think differently. It’s not just consumers whose […]

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25. Managing growth as we come out of recession

The United Kingdom has suffered 13 recessions since 1812. The Global Financial Crisis of the late 2000s saw the UK suffer its worst recession since the war. Revised GDP data published in December 2013 shows that the ‘double dip’ recession took place between Q4 2011 and Q2 2012. The catalyst for which was the European […]

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