More than 1.4 million businesses¹ in the UK have taken advantage of the government-guaranteed loans (worth over £62 billion) to support their cashflows during the coronavirus crisis. This is effectively “free money” for a 12 month period. In addition, many have used the C-19 Job Retention Scheme to ensure the very survival of their business […]
Continue reading123. Some takeaways from our meeting with FT Book of the Month author, David Marquet
Yesterday, 6th October, was a real treat – we got to meet this guy – author of this FT Book of the Month: As a submarine captain, Marquet used his counterintuitive model of leadership to turn the worst-performing submarine crew into the best-performing one in the fleet, a story he recounted in his bestselling book […]
Continue reading122. Is the concept of Employment an anathema in the new, plural working environment?
For decades UK governments have sought to impose a fixed employment status on as many in the workforce as possible. If Rishi Sunak (UK Chancellor of the Exchequer) wants to be remembered as a great, reforming Chancellor he should abolish the concept of employment and make all workers independent contractors. Too radical? Let’s dig […]
Continue reading121. Is stopping things going wrong in the first place better than firefighting?
Writing this in Week 20 of Covid-19 Lockdown (early August 2020) we continue to see budgets being squeezed and headcounts under pressure. And this is only going to get worse as we emerge from Lockdown and the furloughing scheme is phased out. We have consistently been drawing attention to the benefits of outsourcing; after all, […]
Continue reading120. So what does a CFO actually do?
We are often asked this question; usually phrased something like: “I already have a Financial Controller who manages the data entry and provides good management information and I have my accountant when needed – so why do I need a CFO and what can they add?” So, what value does the right CFO bring to […]
Continue reading119. Where next for Business?
Now, four months into lockdown and sales for a number of businesses are still weak. What’s on the proactive owner/manager’s to do list? There are a number of big decisions to make. Here is a bit of a hit list with the objectives: Promoting your business – getting it rapidly back on the rails Preserving […]
Continue reading118. Are you really ready to return to your workplace?
Many businesses are finding the restrictions imposed to manage COVID-19 an increasing challenge. Whilst your focus is clearly on retaining customers and maintaining trading; you must also prepare to return to your workplace. It may not be uppermost in your mind that your insurers will expect businesses to be, and continue to remain, compliant with […]
Continue reading117. How does your cash preservation strategy measure up against our 11 cash actions?
We have consistently stressed the importance of cash management and it is even more crucial now. Tectona are perfectly placed to help you manage your cash ups and downs. Here is our ELEVEN Point cash preservation strategy pulled together from experiences based on working with our client base which will help you make your cash […]
Continue reading116. In 3 – No. 4 We are predicting 3 serious cash pinch-points over the next 15 months – here they are
This Tectona “In 3” reinforces how important cash planning is and why it is so much more critical now with so many unknowns as we emerge from Covid-19 lockdown. Tectona are perfectly placed to help you manage your cash ups and downs. Wild guess? – Businesses are going to be chewing up a lot more […]
Continue reading115. In 3 – No. 3 What is “Breakeven” and why is it important
Fact – even if you don’t, others (customers, suppliers, funders, shareholders) will be looking at your business and, especially in this period of uncertainty, gauging how robust it is. If they are advised properly, one of the things they will look at is Breakeven. This Tectona “In 3” peels back the layers of the concept […]
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